Life Coaching – 1 hr


Life coaching involves working in partnership with a client to help them establish and attain a particular goal. This can range from creating a new lifestyle, manifesting the perfect business, being more confident, to building a fulfilling relationship with your spouse or your loved ones.

There are a variety of tools that each coach may use. Rachel brings a calm, insightful and very client centered approach, facilitating the client to discover themselves and how they can emerge as the best version of themselves in their lives. This is done through focused questioning, deep listening and empathy skills, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), reframing, visualisation and goal setting techniques to name a few. Rachel states, ‘it is by giving ourselves permission to be who we truly are that is the foundation of creating a happier, more fulfilling life and I make it my primary goal to facilitate that’.


Coaching involves a focused interaction between coach and client to establish what they truly desire and transforming that into a tangible goal. It is then the path of the coach and client to identify the blocks that have stopped the client achieving their goal and how they can work through them.

These blocks take the form of unconscious negative beliefs working in the background unnoticed which lead to the repeated unhelpful thought and behavioural patterns. The biggest step is awareness – to recognise these limiting belief, and become aware of where they run in our lives and how they affect our behaviour.

We can then make conscious choices about how we choose to respond to situations and how we show up in our daily lives from the old limiting ways to  more empowering ways. A coach is someone who will help you focus on what it is you truly desire and help you make better choices, choose better thoughts, words and actions that lead to you creating the fulfilling life you desire.

The tools of each coach may vary, however, this is just one component of the coaching world of manifesting dreams. The real magic is in the things unseen – the rapport, the energy and dynamic of the coach-client interaction, the power of intention and the willingness of the client to create real and lasting change.

Rachel has gained full accreditation as a life coach with New Insights following her degree in Psychology and has years of her own personal and spiritual development which has led to a deeply insightful and empathic approach to her coaching style. A new life of greater fulfillment, satisfaction and creative flow await you, book a session today!