Your Hosts - Rachel Murphy
Qualified hypnotherapist and life coach.
Rachel, the organiser of The Multidimensional Show, is a qualified life coach and hypnotherapist and has been life coaching since 2007 following completion of her degree in Psychology at Coventry University. She brings her intuition and her deep insights with her focus on spiritual and emotional development to help her clients overcome their fears and tap into their own intuition and guidance to lead an authentic, fulfilling and conscious life of possibilities.
Although Rachel is based in Birmingham, UK she is able to run sessions anywhere in the world via Skype, telephone and email. Her personal interests include emotional well-being, soul mate and twin flame relationships, the ascension and awakening of humanity, metaphysics including multidimensional realities, past lives, extraterrestrial intelligence and starseeds. To find out more, click here.

Date TBA
Rachel will present a joint talk exploring the nature of consciousness and mind from a holistic standpoint – our multidimensional nature, connection to and oneness with all sentient life; the reality that we are very much not alone in the universe – and explore how these realisations allow us to open up channels of communication with intelligent, benevolent entities from other worlds and vibrational densities.